Saturday, January 26, 2013

Richard Wojcik Funeral Director - Peggy "Nellie" Schwartz

(Nellie Constance PIPER WATKINS)
1916 - 2013

Nellie Constance Piper, our glorious mother, graced this earth for 97 years, filled our hearts with love, compassion, hope and joy for all that is life, taught us to be grateful for each and every day and to know that the secret to real joy and happiness in this world was in making other's lives better. Say a kind word, do a kind deed, count one's blessings as there are many, don't judge, smile, enjoy the simple things in life, contentment , gratitude, and love of family, friends
Peggy was a true extrovert, making one feel important.  It was never about her. She laughed easily and often; and her glass was always half full.
            Despite great losses of her own, Mother lived by example. She showed us how to be kind, gentle and polite to others, to raise other's spirits in the best of times and the worst, because everyone you ever meet needs that. 
            Mom was spontaneous, always having her bag packed and sitting at the door for a drive in the country, a swim in Audrey's pool or a nip at the Sals. Her hair was her crowning glory; she loved a great purse, always wore heels and mixed in a jacket/scarf with her outfit.
            Thank you Mother for showing us the way...we were blessed to have shared a long life with this wonderful human being. Her loss is a loss to us all. The loves of your life were your children TERRELL, TANIS, GARY, MARLEE; and their families. 
            Mother's sister Marjorie passed away 4 days after her the Marjorie Grocery Family are all together.
            In compliance with Mother’s wishes a private gathering will be held at a later date.
Richard Wojcik, Funeral Director of Wojcik’s Funeral Chapel & Crematorium, is in care of arrangements, 204 – 897 - 4665.

204 – 897 - 4665

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